Public & Products Liability

Liability Insurance

No business or industry is without some degree of risk. Managing the risks inherent in your business enhances organisational wellbeing and represents real security for you, your staff and your business when the unexpected happens.

Public Liability insurance is something we recommend for all businesses that interact with the public, even in small ways. This cover offers protection for you, your staff and members of the public, by covering financial costs involved if a third party seeks compensation for your negligent actions.

Product Liability insurance is usually included in your public liability policy and is essential if you sell, supply or deliver products to members of the public. If your goods are deemed to have caused loss or damage, then the policy comes into effect.

Talk to us about our Public & Products Liability insurance policy

Speak to our expert team about a solution that’s tailored specifically for the needs of you and your business.


We provide protection against all types of potential risks, including:

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